After our last release candidate, we discovered a few limitations in our approach to asset compilation. With the end-of-year break approaching, we decided to step back, look at things fresh, and find an approach that would serve as a solid foundation for the future.

With 2.1.0.rc3, we’re happy to release this new approach!

Independent assets per slice

Now when you run hanami assets compile or hanami assets watch, we’ll fork and run a separate assets compilation process for each slice in your app containing assets.

These assets will then be compiled into separate directories under public/assets/, each with their own manifest file: app assets compile into public/assets/ (containing apublic/assets/assets.json manifest), whereas e.g. an "admin" slice’s assets compile into public/assets/admin/ (containing public/assets/admin/assets.json).

Each slice will then have access to its own assets only, either via the view helpers or direct access using the registered "assets" component.

With this, we now deliver the same separations for assets that Hanami offers for every other aspect of slices: complete independence.

Slices may now have their own config/assets.js file, allowing you to customize asset compilation on a slice-by-slice basis. Of course, if you don’t require this, a single top-level config/assets.js will still work for all slices.

You also no longer require an "scripts": {"assets": "..."} entry within your package.json. Instead, the Hanami CLI will detect config/assets.js files wherever they exist and invoke them directly.

If you’d like to learn more about this new approach, see this detailed post on our forum.

Upgrading from rc2

Once you upgrade from rc2, each slice will only have access to its own assets, and those assets will no longer be namespaced with the slice’s name.

For example, if you have an admin slice, you can change stylesheet_tag("admin/app.css") just stylesheet_tag("app.css").

Assets in the app are also isolated, and are accessible only within the app, and not any other slices.

We need your help!

This is a fairly significant change to assets, and while we’re confident it’s the right move for Hanami, we still need your help to test this with your apps.

Please give this release a try, especially for building views and using your favorite front end tools and packages. Check out our new guides for an introduction, and then let us know how you go.

What’s next? 2.1.0!

We want this to be our last release candidate. The next step here is 2.1.0.

What’s included?

Today we’re releasing the following gems:

  • hanami v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-assets v2.1.0-rc.3 (npm package)
  • hanami-assets v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-cli v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-controller v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-reloader v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-router v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-rspec v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-utils v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-validations v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-view v2.1.0.rc3
  • hanami-webconsole v2.1.0.rc3

For specific changes in this release, please see each gem’s own CHANGELOG.

How can I try it?

> gem install hanami --pre
> gem install hanami-cli --pre
> hanami new my_app
> cd my_app
> bundle exec hanami dev


Thank you to these fine people for contributing to this release!

Thank you

Thank you as always for supporting Hanami! We can’t wait to hear from you about this release candidate! 🌸